Application Requirements
Athlete Resume
Short statement of your goal, journey toward this goal, level of impact this has had on your life, and why you think Project Hermes is a good fit for your journey
List of recent competitions and place
List of recent sponsorships (if any)
Social media presence (handles, followers, comfort with posting on public pages)
Timeline of Project Hermes goal and outline for your training plan
​If you have any questions, send us an email at projecthermes@mywickeddude.com
*Financial support is up to the review and discretion of Project Hermes selection team based on priority need, relevance to training, and fund availability. Fund budgets will be announced to athlete upon acceptance into the Project Hermes cohort.

About Project Hermes
Inspired by the Greek God of Adventure, My Wicked Dude is excited to announce Project Hermes. Hermes was considered a jack-of-all-trades. In Greek mythology, he is the patron God of travel, sports, invention, art, literature, and trade. The son of Zeus, this one was a cunning trickster and moved easily between the divine and mortal worlds.
Here at My Wicked Dude, Project Hermes was created to support ambitious adventure-chasers while highlighting the amazing feats of our tribe. Through Project Hermes, My Wicked Dude will support the needs of up to four athletes a year as they chase their dream and push the limits. Whether you want to make podium as a major CrossFit athlete, compete for the Snowboard or Ski World Championship, run an endurance ultramarathon, break a world record in base jumps… you get the idea! Project Hermes was created to support you – the more ambitious the better!
Project Hermes athletes will be highlighted through @MyWickedDude Instagram posts, website biographies and highlights, Badger TV athlete highlight reels, and other promotional opportunities. Stories and biographies will be dedicated to share the journey of each athlete and promote their competition goals. In addition, Project Hermes athletes will benefit from financial support* to support gear, training, competition fees, etc.
Project Hermes is open and accepting applications for 2023/24 cohort athletes worldwide. Up to two athletes will be selected from the applicant pool. Applications will be accepted March 1st – April 31, 2023. Athletes will be selected and notified by June 1st, 2023.